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Beyond the wall

The sound of the chopper signaled the people of Last Chance City. It was the sound of survival. The sound of much needed supplies in a world where there were next to none. The supplies dropped and the people that were trapped within the city's walls scrambled to find the precious cargo. They battled it out for valuables that could mean life or death for each of them. Among the sound of the screams, the infighting, and the general chaos that the day brought on its own, something unusual happened. As the chopper moved to gracefully take its leave, the large bird lurched and hurtled towards the gate.


The sound of it crashing into the gate that separated the usually closed off city from the rest of the world shook them all. An explosion was heard for miles, the smoke seen from all directions rising up from the wreckage. It called to the people of Last Chance City and pulled them together. The cargo perhaps forgotten at the thought of freedom. Real freedom. They ran towards the rising smoke only to see hot metal and cinders still rising from the helicopter’s husk. As the smoke was caught up by a breeze it gave way to the truth of what the helicopter had revealed. A section of the gate had fallen, and a large hole was left in its wake.


The weary citizens stumbled through the wreckage, climbing atop it to get through to the opening in hopes to find what they thought would be their escape. What they found was a desolate world. One ravaged not just by time but by the fall of civilization as we know it. Freedom had never looked more terrifying.


Cannibals, murderers, rapists, mutations, and criminals. It was the lowest of the low that ruled the world now. Those beyond the wall had become untamed, inhuman. They were more like rabid beasts that had gone insane than man. Even the animals had changed from the tainted water and toxic fog that covered the ground. Their meat was no longer suitable to eat. It showed in their mutated and grotesque forms. Claws, red eyes, and sharp gnashed teeth replaced what had been once docile and gentle features. Plantlife was few and far between as it grew out of the toxic earth.


What once was the epicenter of a bustling cityscape was now nothing but rubble. Buildings that used to stand proudly sky-high were now little more than crumbled rubble. Shops that had been raided and torn apart by the savages beyond the wall were bare bones of what they once were. Graphic and vulgar graffiti littered the concrete of most surfaces, trash scattered throughout the streets. The heavy smell of decay and rot permeated the air. It seemed stifling. Wherever one went, invisible eyes followed. A chill ran up their spines and the hairs on the back of their necks prickled. Eerie, desolate, abandoned. Perhaps in the silence that seemed almost deafening, the soft cry of a child could be heard in its stillness along with the distant echo of gunfire.


Upon the eye-opening sights of the desolation that stretched out far and wide beyond the wall, many retreated back within the confines of the mostly walled up Last Chance City. Safety, comfort, and the familiar awaited them. On their return, however, not everything remained the same. The first thing the citizens noticed was the lights. Each building that was only seen lit during the Festival of lights now had electricity. The second thing they noticed was the sound of running water that had been left on within uninhabited buildings from so long ago before everything had been shut off. However, the water that now poured from the sinks and showers was still tainted and green.


The people had questions, so many questions. Were these new discoveries going to last? If so, for how long? Was this just some cruel joke played by The Others? Why did the chopper go down? Was it a mistake? Would The Others continue their airdrops or had they truly been abandoned by the only ones who'd kept them alive? Now it was time for each person to decide if they should risk the mutations and violence of the world beyond the wall or remain in the relative safety of the known. Would more people be coming through that opening? Would they be seeking shelter and a desire for peace or would they be raiders looking for nothing more than blood and to steal what they didn’t have for so long?


Only time will tell.





Guns are now allowed in Last Chance City so long as you RP going outside of the walls to find one, trade for one, steal one, or kill for one. Please keep in mind that while we are allowing guns, ammo is still very rare so use them sparingly. This is on an honor system and the Admins have the right to remove that privilege from any player who abuses being armed. To fire your gun you must have at LEAST two posts. One post to draw your gun, one post to fire your gun. All shots are ATTEMPTS and not auto hits. The person you are shooting at still has the right to decide what happens to their character. With that being said, we will also be watching out for ninja dodgers who don’t take consequences for in character actions.


People are now allowed to come and go as they please from the city. Just remember that if you do have your character leave the city you will come across contaminated water, raiders, mutated creatures, murderers, rapists, and people that have gone insane. The risk to leave the city is great but not impossible. Electricity is still ONLY on in the city.


Businesses can now be run by our players! Have you been eyeballing the pizzeria? What about the bowling alley? Maybe you’ve had your eye on the diner by the subway station. Well, now our players can own them, manage them, or work them. It will take A LOT of in-character time to clean up the building well enough to be functioning again. Also keep in mind that if something breaks down, like the milkshake machine for example (fuck you McDonalds) there are no factories making more of them or somewhere for you to send them off to be repaired. You fix them yourself or they stay broken. Would you like to own/manage/work at a business in the city? Go to our applications page for a business application. 


Powers are now allowed. If you have already apped into our SIM and been approved but you want powers please contact an admin to discuss your primary, secondary, and tertiary powers. If you have not apped in yet please navigate to our applications page where you may have two powers until you've RPed with us for 30 days or more then you may choose a third. If you wish to not have any powers at all that's perfectly fine as well. It is optional. 

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